Noise and Vibration Analysis: Signal Analysis and Experimental Procedures (Wiley 2011)
Noise and Vibration Analysis: Signal Analysis and Experimental Procedures by Anders Brandt covers both introductory material to mechanical vibrations and signal analysis procedures and the most advanced methods used in industry and research today. It is intended for everyone interested in the topic.
If you are a student, it gives you comprehensive insights into mechanical systems and their dynamic properties, signal analysis such as time domain filtering, spectrum analysis, frequency response functions, rotating machinery analysis (order tracking) and modal analysis. It will appeal to graduate students enrolled in vibration analysis, experimental structural dynamics, or applied signal analysis courses.
If you are a lecturer teaching mechanical dynamics, the book offers numerous examples of applications of dynamics and signal analysis procedures used in modern software for vibration analysis. And this site provides you with numerous tools for teaching!
The book also provides an excellent resource for researchers and engineers from automotive, aerospace, mechanical, or electronics industries who work with experimental or analytical vibration analysis and/or acoustics.
You can read a book review here.